Speaking of family (I love a good segue), I have been obsessing over Vintage Virgin, a fashion blogger that is also a mom. Her look isn't 100% my style, but I appreciate that she styles her vintage pieces in a very current way. Just seeing her blog really inspired me to bust out my vintage clothing and play around with my more modern pieces. It seems like an obvious thing to do, but sometimes I ignore the more unique pieces in my closet because my newer pieces are just easier to style (aka I've been caught being lazy, haha). Anyway - her story really got me thinking the other day. I know I've been one to speak about how little time I feel that I have to spend blogging, but if this mom can do it, and OFTEN, then maybe time isn't an excuse for me? Maybe there's something deeper that passes photo opportunities and the like that I'm not willing to admit. Hmm. Food for thought.