Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Boom in the Trunk

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been in moving-mode for the past 3 weeks and now that I'm finally settled in and not living out of boxes, I can share some exciting news with my Chicago readers! Tiffany Tucker of Fat Shopaholic has invited me and a few other bloggers to join her at her event Boom in the Trunk. It's at Beauty Bar on October 27, 2011 from 7-9:30. Plan on getting there early to receive a gift bag for the first 150 people! There will be Dj's and performers, a fashion show, and hello - $10 manicures! And P.S. This is a 21 and up event.

Please RSVP here via Facebook invite. Hope to see you guys there!


  1. Just found out about this today! I'm so excited!!

  2. Show love & support...follow my blog & leave comments!

  3. I love your blog and would love for you to visit this new blog to share your insights on men, love, and relationships


  4. Hi love
    Hope the move went well! I would love to RSVP, only problem is i live in Australia lol xx

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