Adorable, right? If Jason Schwartzman and Kirsten Dunst aren't the perfect pair, then I don't know who is.

One of the first Nylon's I ever bought was the one with Jason and Kirsten on the cover, and I still have that issue in my magazine stash (who says I'm not nostalgic?). Their chemistry is something to be admired. Regardless of who they are, you can tell they've been friends for a really long time. I haven't always been a huge fan of Dunst, but once I saw the Virgin Suicides (I still have my original copy on VHS!), and especially Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I became a believer. Now Jason, he can do no wrong in my eyes. From being 14 and blasting Phantom Planet in the car, to being 22 and watching hours of Bored to Death on HBO, I just can't get enough. Don't even get me started on what these two have done for Band of Outsiders and Opening Ceremony. It's as simple as this: They inspire me constantly. Individually, sure, but their bond is what inspires me the most. They are a habit I plan on keeping.